Saturday, September 29, 2007


Last post: "Tomcat Prowl" by Doug and the Slugs

"Now do you see the feeling in your eyes?
Do you know the things that make you cry?
There are things that money just won't buy.
Wake up now you've got to trust and try.

I've come up with a concept for my Senior Independent Project. For those who don't know, this is the one big project/class that is worth 6 credits. The way my teachers have set it up is that we propose the project, and depending on length and difficulty, they will assign a percentage that it will be worth in the class between 20-50%. The rest will come from working with classmates on their projects as well as other work.

"I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else."
- Pablo Picasso

My concept began with a single image of a girl standing in an open, snow-covered field. It has greatly expanded from there.

"No I don't advocate god.
And you don't seem to find love.
Don't waste time praying.
Get on with finding.

Now the real question is can I make this not only a viable concept, but be able to express it? This will be a mostly visual experience with the dialog building upon the imagery. I already have a "script" in that I know what the voiceover will be. I also have an idea of what I want the visuals to be, but they will be difficult to explain.

Last year a classmate suggested a technology wherein a filmmaker could just plug a cable into his brain and a device would simply read the sound and images and turn it into a movie. Suddenly, this is not a bad idea.

I'm already assumine my concept will be difficult, but not lenghty. I would not expect it to go over 3 minutes, and even at that it might be longer than I'm thinking. Nonetheless it will involve shooting in at least 6 locations, including green screen.

One image turns into an idea, which turns into a concept. Can I turn this into a movie?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Epic first post

"Been working like a dog gone crazy,
Been giving everything I've got,
I need something short and sweet to save me.
A little something that can hit the spot.
I've been living like a man in a prison.
I've been living like a monk in a cave.
I need a woman with a good position.
I start searching at the end of the day.

Greetings, and welcome to the first post of my new blog. I'm your host, Michael Ali. As with most blogs, this will be about stuff going on in my life with particular attention to gaming, school, design and production, and some other random stuff. First off, to answer a few questions:

How's school?
The water is getting choppy and the wind is picking up. The hurricane should hit next week. The eye should be here in December.

I've got about 10-12 projects on the go right now. Most are in the initial stages of forming ideas, but people have started shooting. I should be doing my own shooting within the next week. There was a delay in setting up for my PSA project, which was unfortunate.

How are you?
Okay. I hit a rough patch after I moved out and another about one week into school. I'm better now after talking to a few people who, unfortunately, are in the same boat. It seems design school is bad for relationships. There were a lot of broken hearts over the summer.

What are you doing now?
I have had some time on my hands, but this will soon change. I spend most of my extra time playing video games, watching movies, and occasionally hanging out with friends (which usually involves gaming). Sharp's has not kept me busy only giving me two shifts since school started. This will be welcome once the hurricane does hit, though.